05-07-2016, 05:07 AM
Thanks for the share, +++Rep added.
Is purchased? Need to nulled?
Is purchased? Need to nulled?
(05-06-2016 09:46 PM)madcow Wrote: [ -> ]
6.0.4 - 24 april 2016
Couple of fixes
6.0.3 - 24 april 2016
Added: multiple post types in ajax search
Added: update for Rehub Wp all import extension - now with ability to add reviews
Added: Option to add frontend reviews http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#frontreview
Update: Visual Composer
6.0.2 - 13 april 2016
Fixes: login popup for 4.5 wordpress + update of RH Frontend Posing plugin + button fix in columned grid
6.0.1 - 12 april 2016
Fixes: couple of fixes
6.0 - 12 april 2016
Added: BuddyPress support and customizations
Added: Notificator from Buddypress in user dropdown section
Added: MyCred support and customizations + additional hook for post likes
Added: Option to show badges, ranks, points in default comment system (theme option - user options)
Added: Option to disable BP email activation
Added: Option to have a link to author page for users in comments
Added: Option to redirect author page to BuddyPress
Added: Customizable header layout (enable button, login section, search, additional menu in header). Use it instead of old way with shortcodes in header
Added: Separate colors for buttons, main color of elements and secondary colors
Added: New shortcode for update notices
Added: Powerfull customizable filter panels for post loops in VC
Added: Ajaxed tab widget
Added: Share buttons in bottom sliding panel on mobiles
Added: Default styles for inputs and buttons
Added: Support for Nelio external images and theme thumbnails
Added: taxonomy value field in top table constructor
Added: New child theme Re:deals http://redeals.wpsoul.net
Added: New bundled plugin for FrontEnd posting (now with support of editing posts). Based on Frontend Posting PRO. Note, if you have this plugin - deactivate it first, because bundled plugin is customized and with some improvements
Added: Bodybuilding.com, Suppz.com, airnb.com, booking.com parsers for Affiliate Egg
Fixes: Many small fixes and improvements
Update: Visual Composer