Thanks for the gr8 share rep added

@oggie yeah ! i have check the tranning video it's not working as it says! something he might have block.
I haven't used it yet so tomorrow I'll give it a try
and if it doesn't work I'll find out why.
Thanks for the heads up!
(08-04-2015 01:50 PM)rv888 Wrote: [ -> ]@oggie yeah ! i have check the tranning video it's not working as it says! something he might have block.
+Max Reps for finding this one.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for the reps... Much Appericated!
I didn't find it I purchased the whole funnel!
(08-04-2015 02:10 PM)ELVIS ZEPPELIN Wrote: [ -> ]+Max Reps for finding this one.
Thank you very much.
@oggi thank you for your kind rply and also @mybwlmail thanks dude ! :)
Did anyone succeed to get results using
username : automator
password : jvzoo5601 ?
Because I get zero results when I try and I tested more than one photo...
Rep added for the share.
Quick review:
Join Instagram use app "Repost For Instagram"
follow popular people/pages in your niche once
you have lots of followers use a competition to
get email addresses example used was win $100
into your paypal email.
Collect emails and spam them to earn millions
since you don't ask if you can contact them for
any other reason than to give them the prize
money, sure this will make you boat loads of cash lol.
It could work with a few twists but that's about it.