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Full Version: YetiShare.File.Hosting.Script.v4.1.NULLED.PHP-ECHO
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no plugin?
please can someone provide us with plugins,, (reward plugin)
(08-03-2015 01:07 AM)fire2000 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: sg22ZWl.jpg]

___________________________________        _________________/\
|           |  |            \       \      /                   \  /\
|           |  |             \      |      |     /     ____     \/ /
|      _____|  |         _____\     |______|     |    /    \      /
|      \_____  \         |                       |    |    |      \
|            \  \        |                       |    |    |      /
|        _____\  \       |_____      ______      |    \____/     |
|       /______  /            /     |      |     \               ||
|             /__\           /      |      |      ______________ //
|___________________________/       |      \_____/    __________///
   \________________________         |        \_______/////////////
     \______________________\________/          \_____\\\\\\\\\\\\\
     /                                       ______/
     >  </ R E L E A S E  I N F O >        ____/
     \_______________________    ____________/
      ______________________/    \_____________________________________________
     /                                                                         \

       SCRiPT......: YetiShare.File.Hosting.Script.v4.1.NULLED.PHP-ECHO
       PROTECTiON..: N/A
       RELEASE DATE: 02-08-2015

     \__                                            ___________________________/
     /                                       ______/
     >  </ D E S C R I P T I O N >         ____/
     \_______________________    ____________/
      ______________________/    \_____________________________________________
     /                                                                         \

       The file upload script comes with a full admin area for managing the
       site, a modern multi-file upload interface, user registration and
       members area, premium upgrades via PayPal, easy advert integration
       and much more.

     \__                                            ___________________________/
     /                                       ______/
     >  </ I N S T A L L A T I O N >       ____/
     \_______________________    ____________/
      ______________________/    \_____________________________________________
     /                                                                         \

       1. Extract the zip files to a folder on your computer.
       2. Read the ___INSTALLATION.txt.

     \__                                            ___________________________/
     /                                       ______/
     >  </ C O N T A C T >                 ____/
     \_______________________    ____________/
      ______________________/    \_____________________________________________
     /                                                                         \


     \__                                            ___________________________/
     /                                       ______/
     >  </ G R E E T I N G S >             ____/
     \_______________________    ____________/
      ______________________/    \_____________________________________________
     /                                                                         \

       ECHO sends GREETS to:
       All groups and people working hard, who bring quality releases...

      __                                                                      __
     /_/\                ____________________                                /\_\
     \_\/  _______      /            __   __ \                   by xsp!d3r  \/_/
      \   /_     /     /_____          \ /  \/        _________________________/
       \ / /     \    /    / \__/\_____/ \___________/
        ;-/_     /   /  __/
            \/\ /   /  /
               \\  /__/



+Rep Please

Excellent work as always fire2000 Smile Smile
Max REP added Cool
Please upload plugins for this version v4.1 thanks
Please I have problem
when I make new register and waiting the active in the email
I didn't receive any emails
where is the problem please
which file I must fix it ?
(08-04-2015 01:58 AM)wazeer Wrote: [ -> ]Please I have problem
when I make new register and waiting the active in the email
I didn't receive any emails
where is the problem please
which file I must fix it ?

Check your settings and all in admin!
I have installed this on my dedicate server for test and all working 100%.
After registration there come email with password and all!
Also check your Spam folder.

Mail coming from from scratch.
mediaplayer plugin pls
(08-04-2015 01:58 AM)wazeer Wrote: [ -> ]Please I have problem
when I make new register and waiting the active in the email
I didn't receive any emails
where is the problem please
which file I must fix it ?

you must set the SMTP server!
(08-04-2015 03:10 AM)m16011 Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-04-2015 01:58 AM)wazeer Wrote: [ -> ]Please I have problem
when I make new register and waiting the active in the email
I didn't receive any emails
where is the problem please
which file I must fix it ?

you must set the SMTP server!

You don`t need set SMTP server!
I never use it and use default as domain.
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