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Full Version: [REQ] Patch Or Crack For Wamp Developer
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does it works mate?
Reg file is strictly dependent on specific machine.
Serial number is verified locally. Old serial numbers still works but is not enough. If this local verification pass, next step is to verify against developer database. If serial number exist inside database you will get your own specific reg data.
Conclusion: is not enough to have one good serial number. You need to have correct reg data for every PC. Reg data is unique for every PC as like every PC has own hardware ID fingerprint.
(08-06-2015 02:49 PM)Old_man Wrote: [ -> ]Reg file is strictly dependent on specific machine.
Serial number is verified locally. Old serial numbers still works but is not enough. If this local verification pass, next step is to verify against developer database. If serial number exist inside database you will get your own specific reg data.
Conclusion: is not enough to have one good serial number. You need to have correct reg data for every PC. Reg data is unique for every PC as like every PC has own hardware ID fingerprint.

What he said Cool
google and search for

wampdeveloper pro and MPT
(08-06-2015 02:49 PM)Old_man Wrote: [ -> ]Reg file is strictly dependent on specific machine.
Serial number is verified locally. Old serial numbers still works but is not enough. If this local verification pass, next step is to verify against developer database. If serial number exist inside database you will get your own specific reg data.
Conclusion: is not enough to have one good serial number. You need to have correct reg data for every PC. Reg data is unique for every PC as like every PC has own hardware ID fingerprint.

I've exported reg file from a vm with wamp that works and imported it on a wamp installation that didn't. Now it works. They have different hd id's.
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