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Full Version: [WINDOWS 10] Google is Evil but Windows just got nasty!
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Some very interesting snippets out of the new Windows 10 user agreement and what you signup to [especially if you use your voice with Cortana!] when you upgrade/fresh install the latest and greatest from Billy boy...


Quote:Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: 1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; 2.protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; 3.operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or 4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.



Here is the new full agreement for windows 10.. if you are into IT or Secure Managment Support Services.. worth a read!


You are kidding.... bloody pigs how dare they. GRRRRR
Thanks for pointing that out! I haven't updated my Windows to this version, and I don't think I would want to now. Is there a significant improvement over Windows 8 or 7 that can be found in Windows 10, that would make the upgrade really worth it?
All that aside, Windows 10 has to be the best version of windows out yet.
(08-05-2015 08:15 AM)Silverdot Wrote: [ -> ]All that aside, Windows 10 has to be the best version of windows out yet.

I can't believe you said that - is English your native language?

Windows keeps getting worse.

The worst thing I did was ditch xp in favor of 8.1.

My system crashes constantly.

My advice to anyone: At the very least keep a usb drive with linux and if you are up to it make it your primary os.

But seriously, microsoft is trash, and I recommend to avoid it if you can. Linux offers a much better alternative (debian or ubuntu is my recommendation :) )

final word: microsoft sucks!!
I've upgraded to Win 10 and it actually works well. (I hated Win 8 and opted to downgrade to Win 7)

Win 10 seems to be behaving so far...BUT I also heard about this fcking Cortana tool, I have disabled it and don't use it at all. Plus I dont' use outlook or any MS office produce. I use thunderbird for my mail and open office. Firefox is my default browser and I only have Google chrome and IE for testing site load times and layouts but thats the only time I use them.

Hope this keeps me relatively safe from Billy Bob d*ckface Gates prying eyes.
Working in the IT field, I deal with multiple operating systems.
None are perfect.
As an old Unix hack (mostly in the days before GUI), I've watched the popularization of Linux versions with some interest. Though it runs acceptably on lower levels of hardware, and has many of the features of so called "mainstream" operating systems from Apple, Microsoft, and Google (not to forget portable devices like iphones and android), it doesn't have the market penetration the big three have.
Each OS is useful across a wide variety of circumstances, and of the big three, none are innocent when it comes to stomping on our privacy.

Of course, it's not just the OS developers that do this. For an example, take a look at the "requirements" for access for each of the Apps you have on your smart phone. The vast majority have no need for access to your location, nor any other personal data. Yet, people download and install these Apps on a regular basis, and can't quite figure out how the rest of the world found out everything about them.

The actions of Cortana aren't all that odd, and, if you look closely, the same things are happening with Siri (Apple OS) since it came into existence. Face it, even if they don't tell you outright, most companies have been gathering every bit of data on you they possibly can from the get-go. it's how they make their money...

It sounds like Windows is going "free" with Win10. No more purchase of the OS. Instead, they intend to make their money through various other subscriptions and selling information they gather using the OS.

Regarding other versions, XP was great, too bad it's no longer supported by MS. I currently support XP, Win7 and 8.1 at my day job (along with a smattering of Apple OSX and server OS from 2003 to 2012), and find 8.1 is just as stable as XP, so long as you minimize the use of the goofy ribbon/metro interface and run from the old standard desktop. As bad as MS Windows is made out to be, I still prefer it over the recent Apple OSX versions.

However, I do agree more people should have machines set up as dual boot (Linux and whatever) or have a USB bootable Linux available for tough times. Looking to retire from regular day job soon, and will likely move to Linux near full time once I don't have to deal with it daily at work.
Windows 10 is awesome. Had no problems with it so far. Although the info on the OP
really bugs me. How could they compromise privacy like that?

But hey, Windows isn't getting suckier. That's my opinion since Windows 10.
(Windows User from Win 98 - Win 10)
i love windows 10 too except for the tracking feature or sync , but i found a workaround use a local account instead.
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