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Full Version: [RQST] WP Plugins ADS PRO + Marketing Agency Add-on
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Gets high ratings and would be useful for a lot of BBHFers I believe :-)


Ads Pro is a Premium WordPress Ad Plugin that helps you manage, sell and display your advertising space, in a way that no other plugin can. This awesome tool supports a templates and grid system to show really matched and user-friendly ads on your site. And it’s 100% free from Ad blocker. Display your banners, including Google AdSense banners in more than 20 ways!

Ads Pro Marketing Agency Add-on:

This add-on for ADS PRO allows you to create a really HUGE tools to Manage Advertising on WordPress sites. Now you can use all features of ADS PRO to display ads on websites installed in different domains and locations (servers). Marketing Agency Add-on can be used both to create a Global Marketing Agency (users can sell ads on their sites) or Private Marketing Agency (you can sell ads on your sites).

Anyone have either of these to share?
Bump-a-rino! :-)
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