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[Image: 15zine_wordpress_magazine_a.jpg]

03 June 2015 – 15Zine v 1.3

- ADDED: BuddyPress compatibility/styling/logged in modal integration.
- ADDED: New options in Theme Options -> Extras: Various options to control theme sliders speeds/animation effect/autoplay
- ADDED: New filters to change a number of posts displayed in megamenu. Simply return a number using: Megamenu with submenu and posts: 'cb-mm-with-menu-number-posts' and megamenus with only posts: 'cb-mm-number-posts'. Default: '3'.
- ADDED: New page template "Blank" (does not output header/footer/sidebar) - Ideal for creating landing pages and similar.
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Posts -> Social sharing block options now includes "Text buttons"
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Design -> "Show line under menu" - This option allows you to show/remove the line under the main navigation menu
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Design -> "Color of line under menu" - This option allows you to change the color of the line under the main navigation menu
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras -> "YouTube Autostart for Video Post Types" - If this is off, the YouTube API will not be loaded at all. If on, it will only load on video posts with YouTube embeds to automatically start playing videos when a visitor hits the "play button" inside a post.
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras -> "Multibyte Languages". Some languages use multibytes (Such as Chinese), so enable this to fix any character bugs in the excerpts.
- ADDED: New option in Theme Option -> Design -> "Footer Normal Text Color" - affects color of plain text in footer, such as content outputted by text widget
- ADDED: New option for categories that use blog styles with a sidebar: Sidebar position (Left / Right)
- ADDED: New tab in Theme Options -> "Blog Styles"
- ADDED: Translation files for Polish language - Thanks to Agracjan :)
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Blog Styles -> "Show Read More Text Link After Excerpt"
- IMPROVED: Custom sidebar option for pages: If enabled, you can now choose between using a "New or existing sidebar".
- IMPROVED: Custom sidebar option for posts: If enabled, you can now choose between using a "New or existing sidebar".
- IMPROVED: Post editor (TinyMCE) general visuals to look more like it does in the published post.
- IMPROVED: Some option descriptions for better clarity what they do
- IMPROVED: If you set a color in Theme Options -> Design -> Global Color, then the main navigation menu items with no set color will use that on hover as default
- BUGFIX: No sidebar option for WooCommerce pages wasn't working properly
- BUGFIX: RTL Search modal location
- BUGFIX: Sticky section B sidebar
- BUGFIX: Dark body style missing elements
- BUGFIX: Site-width and Screen-width featured image styles on pages layout issue
- BUGFIX: If views was set to not show, the views counter would still appear in the 15Zine popular widget
- BUGFIX: Missing buttons CSS if button added in custom code module on homepage
- BUGFIX: If infinite scroll was on category with breadcrumbs, it would appear again
- BUGFIX: Popular widget spacing different to latest post one
- BUGFIX: Recent Post showing date even if date was set to be off
- BUGFIX: Child-theme stylesheet was loading before parent stylesheet (fix is in child-theme's functions.php)
- BUGFIX: Minor CSS issues

Thanks for the valuable share megadthbr.
Thanks megadethbr, +5reps added!

Sale page:

Do you have documentation!?
Thanks bro but can we get a whole package?
I tried to download it like I usually do via Chrome and it said file was malicious and Chrome has blocked it. How do you check for viruses if you cannot download it?
Can you upload the updated version, it's now at v2.1.2

Cheers bro
+rep added
Thanks for share awesome item dude

(11-18-2015 10:02 PM)Patrick Pain Wrote: [ -> ]Can you upload the updated version, it's now at v2.1.2

Cheers bro

Yeah, it would be great if OP have the latest version
dont purchase but found v2.2.3 ..

Nice, thanks !
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