my site is freemusicdownloadsx dot com ..did not shared link because i don't want to spam my forum ...
site links indexing in google is very slow ..
kindly share your free indexing methods so i can make my site indexed fast ..
Is it made in Wordpress? You can use the Yoast Seo Plugin, to generate a sitemap first. (just one tip)
Well..get WP Indexer!
Also - make sure you know what you're actually asking about!
ping it using googleping dot com normally get's it indexed within 12 hours for me, throw in a few social signals like G+ you only actually need to add it to one G+ account and it's indexed within 6 hours on average
You can use Wp indexer tools and sitemap plugin if you are using wordpress based site.
Where can I find free domains???
it is not a wp site . and i have submitted it in al search engines also that ping tool has been used on it . but still it is not getting much traffic from google . one of SEO expert told me that my site is in google sandbox .
i listen first time about it .
kindly tell me how to recover my site from sandbox asap ..
(07-28-2015 04:45 AM)usman04 Wrote: [ -> ]kindly tell me how to recover my site from sandbox asap ..
Just pay someone who actually understands SEO to do this for you - if you are as clueless as you are, you won't be able to do it yourself and risk damaging your site further.
i do not have much money to pay some kirstie .
therefor i am asking help in this forum ..
well in general indexing is more difficult now, sb suggested pinging here. I dont think pinging is worth wasting time now, popular indexers also have much lower succ. rate now. anyway i made some research and tests and as for me [/quote]this one
is doing its job really well. bad news its not free,but prices are rather low. so lets try :)
p.s. have no idea why cannot add proper url from shortener, but you know wtd ;)