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Full Version: [REQ] Video Overplay
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Found the correct plugin and uploaded it. It ask for a license as we know. Will update the thread with the download.
Much thanks macklin12!
Please check out the virustotal results (on my download thread) the files even though downloaded directly from theirs site seem to be infected. I received a report on the thread and despite having previous results from VT, this time I uploaded the files and both came back reported by ESET and other one site. I am hoping those are false positives since I already uploaded the plugins to my server to test, they worked but ask for a license, so I deactivated them.
If anybody has any input on this, please share.

Still needs work.I couldn't upload Overplay but had no problems with Overload.So basically go to the original Overload download,I tried it with 3 blogs and didn't work.
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