I am looking for someone who wants to share a syndwire unlimited account for a year. This types of account are not available anymore. Let me know by PM or post a question if interested
I know where you can still get unlimited accounts but I can't justify the price for it. I am also looking for someone to share with me. May be we can both go ahead and get that account which is unlimited $99 a month
What are you offering to share an unlimited account for a year.
I am looking for a buyer to takeover the account for 11 + motnhs for a reasonable price let me know if interested
For those who have PM make sure you can receive messages back if not I cant reply to you... As of now I am doing a monthly deal
Interested is sharing a Syndwire Account - Please PM me the offer so i can get going.
Also interested in an Unlimited account access. If you are able to provide access or just want to sell, pls PM me and we'll sort something out.