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[Image: ls5_wp.png]

LayerSlider 5.5.0 is now available (3rd July 2015)
new Added back the auto-generated excerpts based on the native WP behavior:
Manually entered excerpts will remain "as is", without any modification or formatting. Custom HTML code is allowed.
Auto-generated excerpts have all shortcodes and HTML tags removed and they will appear as plain text.
Auto-generated excerpts will be trimmed down to 55 words. The [...] "hellip" sign will be appended at the end if the text exceeds this limitation.
Custom word count used by themes will automatically be applied in your sliders. Developers can override it by using filter hooks.
Auto-generated excerpts respect WP's <!--more--> tag, so you can easily split your content at the point you want.
Text length limitation will remain as an optional feature on a per layer basis.

newProviding update notification for unauthorized sites as well
improvedThe settings boxes below your list of sliders has been grouped under a tabbed interface
improvedSignificantly improved YouTube video playback behavior
improvedExtended developer documentation with improved examples
improvedUpdated End-User documentation
fixedFixed an issue that prevented some users to properly import our sample sliders
fixedFixed update installation from LayerSlider's admin interface
fixedFixed 'yourLogo style' option in Slider Settings
fixedFixed an issue that caused appearance issues for a few users in Slider Settings
fixedPrevent the LS Help menu entry showing up on non-LayerSlider admin pages
fixedFixed the 'Enjoy using LayerSlider?' share sheet appearing in cases when it should not


Magic Button :

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