(07-30-2015 04:33 AM)beniamin Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2015 02:28 AM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2015 02:15 AM)JustSomeDude Wrote: [ -> ]Why do people want everything to be nulled/cracked/etc? WHMCS costs something like 15 USD a month It does not cost $3000 a month
Just buy a d*** license
2nd that!
Or just get a $3 a month vps with it included!!!
$15/month it is a very good reason to have it nulled. Webhosting is a very competitive niche and not everybody is making a lot of money. So if it is possible many of us would gladly spare $15/month
You need to look around, you can get WHMCS on a vps for $3, so why
bother with a dirty, nulled and risky version that *may* be stealing or
relealing your clients details to numpties all over the place!!!
(07-30-2015 07:04 AM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2015 04:33 AM)beniamin Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2015 02:28 AM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2015 02:15 AM)JustSomeDude Wrote: [ -> ]Why do people want everything to be nulled/cracked/etc? WHMCS costs something like 15 USD a month It does not cost $3000 a month
Just buy a d*** license
2nd that!
Or just get a $3 a month vps with it included!!!
$15/month it is a very good reason to have it nulled. Webhosting is a very competitive niche and not everybody is making a lot of money. So if it is possible many of us would gladly spare $15/month
You need to look around, you can get WHMCS on a vps for $3, so why
bother with a dirty, nulled and risky version that *may* be stealing or
relealing your clients details to numpties all over the place!!!
What do you recommend brother?
(07-30-2015 07:04 AM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ]You need to look around, you can get WHMCS on a vps for $3, so why
bother with a dirty, nulled and risky version that *may* be stealing or
relealing your clients details to numpties all over the place!!!
VPS provider offering WHMCS for $3??? LOL
Or maybe expect other people to share free coupons?
Or just use a free solution like boxbilling if you are a small company
(07-30-2015 07:47 PM)JustSomeDude Wrote: [ -> ]Or just use a free solution like boxbilling if you are a small company
Good shout JSD, boxbilling is one of many open source, safe and rather
good fun to use scripts/softs out there ;-)