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Full Version: [GET] Jungle Bike Game Android With AdMob
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[Image: qedaeda.png]

A physic android game, built on top of LibGDX framework with Box2d library.

- Admob and Adbuddiz
- Google analytic

You’ll get the completed source code (Eclipse project) and all graphic source in SVG format. Levels were designed using free tool Tiled Map Editor (

Try the game now!!

To download for free : https://www.codesandroid .com/p/10083
reported, link goes to spam ads..
LOL link goes to error page. WTF bro really
just go to https://www.>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<< there are many sources for free ;-)

(07-25-2015 08:01 AM)nick12 Wrote: [ -> ]just go to >>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<< there are many sources for free ;-)

;-) It seam the is not possible to post links
This source code sucks , why not share some good stuffs ??
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