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Full Version: [GET] Love and Sex Kindle Formula HOT!!!
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I found this WSO floating around and it dates back to April 2012. Yes it is old, but I looked through it and found the information useful. The formula for writing romance Kindle books has not changed much during the past three years.

Hopefully, some of you will find the 60 minute video and PDF useful like I did.




REPs optional, but appreciated..
Hey, thanks very much. There's always a little gem that could make you see things a little differently. One never knows...
very nice share, comes in handy now that I'm writing erotica books.
(07-11-2015 06:49 AM)TECH N9NE Wrote: [ -> ]very nice share, comes in handy now that I'm writing erotica books.

Thank you Tech N9ne. You have shared so much, I'm glad I was able to return the favor.
I can't imagine this Rob Howard guy getting it on with anyone let alone him being able to write erotica LOL!!!

Any how, thanks for tha share twotokes! I'm sure this will be helpful to my dirty little mind.
THANKS and 5 for a nice contribution!
(07-17-2015 05:01 PM)Rob Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]I can't imagine this Rob Howard guy getting it on with anyone let alone him being able to write erotica LOL!!!

Any how, thanks for tha share twotokes! I'm sure this will be helpful to my dirty little mind.

HA! HA! HA! LOL... Thanks for the laugh and the reps...
THANK you!!! Rep added Thanks
Rob Howard, one of the authors, has been banned from the WarriorForum!!! Anybody knows why? Thanks.
Thanks for the share!
Pages: 1 2
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