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I am from India and I am just starting out in internet marketing. I wrote a couple of blog posts recently just to test out and got good reviews from Indians. I want to know whether my writing style would pass for a native. I am just curious and it has nothing to do with whether I can monetize or not (which I know I can). So native English speakers please review my posts and comment on this thread. All commentators will be repped.

Make this easy for your reviewers and add links to your posts. Yes I know that I can go to your profile blah, blah, blah... make it easier... from what I can see in this post, yes, you can easily pass for "native English"
You write pretty well, actually. The only area that sticks out to me is this:

"I wrote a couple of blog posts recently just to test out"

It would have read better like this:

I wrote a couple of blog posts recently as a test.

The more you write, the better you'll get, so keep at it. Reading native English speaker's articles, books, and blog posts will help you to learn how to form the sentences better.

In terms of whether you could pass for a native English speaker, I would say almost. Practice a bit more and you'll get there.
Judging from your initial post, the few lines as written, certainly seems OK but one needs to see a longer comment and/or article in order to make an informed assessment.

I do article writing, editing and proofreading as one of my online revenue streams. I am also a Diamond Level (Premium Category), Expert Author on with more than 255 articles in 44+ different niches. If interested, just PM me, and I will gladly give you some comprehensive tips on writing, irrespective of being a native English speaker or not. For this, you need to send me a 300 - 400 word article which I will proofreead and comment at nio cost to you at all.

I do not want to advertise myself here, so please send me a PM and I will also give you the link to my writing services website, which has a multitude of free writing tips, as well as my profile.

I need to see a longer post to evaluate your writing, but so far it looks good. The one sentence that was mentioned was the only thing that stood out.
Actually, I forgot to put the link to my blogpost. Sorry about that
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