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Full Version: How I Made Over $10k From Udemy With This LAZY Method
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[Image: Udemy10kproof.jpg]

Recently I crossed the $10k earnings mark for my Udemy account, and what might be surprising to most people is that I did it by pretty much not being original at all and with almost zero of my own marketing.

So, what tools did I use and how did I do it?

Udemy - obviously you need to sign up for a free account

After you do that you don't really need any special tools other than a microphone, a computer and some sort of screen recording software. These are the resources I use.

Blue Yeti USB Mic
15" MacBook Pro
Logitech HD Pro C920 Webcam

Camtasia - for Mac or PC
ScreenFlow - for Mac (what I use)

Now, for the content, there are literally dozens of resources out there. You do NOT have to be original to make money, always remember that. Now, you don't want to be a copy cat or a thief, but most of the content that is available for sale online or offline is not in any way original, but it is unique. So, I don't have any idea what your niche is, but since most of my content involves making money online, one thing I did was go to .info][Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info. They have tons of WSOs that you can download and get ideas from. Then literally take that same content and record videos of each step in the process of the products you like and make a course about them.

I try and make my courses at least an hour in length, but the longer your course, the more you can obviously charge.

Then for your course image I used to make my own, but I'm even lazier now and let Udemy do, since they have a FREE service that actually does a much better job.

And then one strategy I've used to get the ball rolling is to have at least one high value FREE course that you use to attract people, and then once they are a student you can send out messages within that course promoting your paid courses.

That's basically it! It's that SIMPLE.

Just rinse, lather and repeat. Just take action, follow the steps above and see what results you get. If you want more results faster, then just put in more time and effort into cranking out more courses. If I am focused and know exactly what I'm creating my course about I can easily crank out an hour course in a weekend. Then you can literally sit back and let Udemy do most of your marketing for you - I guarantee if you follow the steps above you will make your first dollar online. And with a tiny bit of effort you can minimally scale up to at least $100/mo passively.

Here is my Udemy profile page so you can get a better idea of the courses I create and the amount I currently have, so you can get a better sense of what it might take for you to achieve similar results.

For more awesome tips, tools and resources for online marketers, check out
Thanks for the good information. You have some good offerings. I've been really thinking about this, but I hate the sound of my recorded voice. Earning $10K right about now could help me get over it though.

I'm getting an "Untrusted source" message when I try to visit your website.
Nice move and nice share bro.
thanks for share but udemy not for lazy people at all
(07-06-2015 08:04 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for share but udemy not for lazy people at all

True. Almost anything that offers some sort of positive results requires effort. But I wouldn't consider this type of effort hard by any means. I'm not an expert. I don't have the best voice or the best equipment, and I don't have the best ideas or information...

And I've tried a whole bunch of other methods of making money online. This is one of the most dead simple methods for beginners, that can actually create job replacing income rather quickly, without hardly any startup costs other than your time invested.
I try to do the same thing but got motivated due to my voice/speech as I'm not a native English speaker. It sounds awful when I hear it back. Sleepy How long does it take for you to achieve that 10K and how many courses have you made? Congratulations I would say!
That's normal, from some reasons nobody likes to hear their recorded voice.
But, I'm sure it's not important to be native English speaker, if you provide valuable content.

It would be interesting to know how long it took you to $10k?
Nice tips!
ok since you are not a native english speaker why not offer the course in your native language, surely they will find the info just as valuable as english speakers

Thank you for being so open an honest about your method. It is encouraging to know it really is not that complex after all we just got to get off our ass and start.
(07-06-2015 02:56 PM)shafiqq07 Wrote: [ -> ]I try to do the same thing but got motivated due to my voice/speech as I'm not a native English speaker. It sounds awful when I hear it back. Sleepy How long does it take for you to achieve that 10K and how many courses have you made? Congratulations I would say!

It really depends on a lot of factors. Some people have 9 courses and make 6 figures while others have 20 and only make a few hundred. I pretty know exactly how Udemy works, but my best advice is to just put some content up there. I guarantee you will make money eventually. It's that simple. Just being there.

(07-06-2015 04:04 PM)Olympian Wrote: [ -> ]That's normal, from some reasons nobody likes to hear their recorded voice.
But, I'm sure it's not important to be native English speaker, if you provide valuable content.

It would be interesting to know how long it took you to $10k?

Well, to be honest I've been EXTREMELY lazy and have put almost zero marketing into my courses other than hitting the publish button. Udemy has changed a bunch over the years. They used to offer 70-80% to instructors and when they switched that really pissed me off so I didn't do much for awhile. But when I found out other non-marketers were almost effortlessly making $10k or more per month, I because to refocus.

I have figured Udemy out and will be scaling this $10k total earnings up to $5k-$10k/mo soon.

One tip I will give you is that reviews do matter. Obviously for social proof. What sucks is that they're pretty hard to get, even if you give your course away for free. If you are currently teaching on Udemy or are thinking about it and want to give your courses a BOOST in social proof, you may want to check out this site

Also, for anyone interested in my exact process, I encourage you to check out my step-by-step course
Use JULY5 to get it for only $5 until the special coupon runs out. This is a very basic overview of my process which is extremely simple. I will, however, be updating this course soon with ALL the new information I've learned about Udemy.

Everything with online marketing and marketplaces tends to change slightly, you just have to learn to pivot. Udemy is no different. It was dead simple in the beginning and I exploited pretty much every single loophole they had. They've since closed all of those, but there is still HUGE opportunity with Udemy, because surprisingly not that many well-known internet marketers are taking advantage of it.
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