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I know that I will probably end up buying this, but I figured if someone can null it maybe the forum can get some use out of it.


Direct DL + Bonuses:


This could have been one of the best webinar software launches of all time.. after runclick..
but 30% of the RETAIL price of the licence, each client is crazy mad money!

So if you do get the whole funnel and you do actually find someone that wants a fake
webinar to sell to real clients, who might get pi55ed if they find out its not you doing
it, you still have to spend more to actually resell|use|flip to them..

***** direct from T&C at ucm page:

Wholesale pricing is 30% below current market rate. Pro upgrade pricing, which is paid monthly for normal buyers, is calculated and paid on a yearly basis with 30% wholesale discount, based upon current market rate for entire year.
* Software licenses cannot be sold by themselves, under any circumstances. Each software license is coded to the buyer only and will cease to function if multiple installations are attempted. Furthermore, any UCM Developer member who tries to resell a personal license installed on a domain or by itself, is subject to having their UCM Developer rights and personal software rights terminated


Was thinking about starting a VIPGB for this, but even then you cannot really do anything with it, other than point
your "clients" to your own dev licenced domain to use it.. which sort of defeats the object of a webinar.. will be
sticking to runclick dev and ghangouts unless they re-evaluate the way this is sold down the food chain!

link to download,not working
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