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Full Version: [GET] Secret BNX Method Turns $50 Into $5290 In Profits [Traffic Overload]
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Thanks For The Share OP ..+REPS
Also To Nokia5233 for mirror ...+REPS

Here is another mirror
Thanks for the share and mirror...+Reps added to both of you...

His secret bla bla bla bnx (i wonder why he got this name, sound like BIG for nothing).
Well the secret that you should not tell anybody and he couldnt belve (according to his sales letter) is buysellads . com

The product is composed of an 12 minutes video and a pdf of 3 pages.
He just say, look this is the website, buy ads, put banners in others website.
Few banners in psd files are included with the product.

Well, well, really nothing new here and it's just a reminder that you can pay 10 or 20 usd to have 10.000 or more impressions in middle famous website, as the most famous listed on buysellads . com are a bit expensive.

Sales page note : 0/10 because he is bullshitting us saying a secret unknown website, anyone who tried advertisement or used google already know about the website.
add to this he do not even talk about the 50usd and the 5290usd mentioned in the sales page.

PS: Maybe the product we have here s not complete.

Utility of the product: 5/10 because i consider it a good reminder to those who do not have big budget and want some clicks/ start advertise.

Reality of the product: 10/10 because yes, buying space for banners on websites still works, the only issue i see is that most of the banners wont show f the visitor has a popup blocker (i had to dis-activate mine to see the banners on some websites).

Hope this helps

Show me some love, rep me.

Peace/ cheers
Quick (but extremely adequate) Review:


The instructions in the PDF are incredibly devoid of all the necessary information about how to find the right places to advertise or testing necessary. The video included didn't even mention testing.

I give you word-for-word the total instructions offered for how to get this massive traffic which makes all the money talked about in the sales page.

"BNX Traffic in short, stands for Banner Network traffic."

"Go To This Link and find a website that
you think can serve your demographics.
For example, if you are targeting traffic who wants to buy dog
products, make sure you advertise on a dog websites or websites
where dog owners will be at everyday.
Once you found sites that are targeted towards the visitors you want,
click on them and BuySellAds will show you what kind of advertising it allows…
Look for sites with banners on the fold of their website.
Usually, expensive ads are better but if you have low budget, don’t be
afraid to try smaller sites.
Once you identify the format and sizes of the banners that you want
to promote, you can use either the banners we have provided, or hire
someone to do it for $5 on
And that’s it !
That’s how you run offers easily.
Try it out yourself and take massive action.

And the included video basically takes 12 minutes (that you'll never get back) to say the same thing.
Rating: 0 out of 5

Well, no wonder we've all been doing it all wrong....
We just needed these simple instructions.

Yes, but just imagine if you were one of the victims on WF who paid money for this!
thanks for review.

BNX = Banner Traffic

times1 Wrote:this is just TOO simple.
Amazing that people would spend 10 bucks to be told to do Banner Ads on and NOT demand a refund minutes later!

Save your time and a brain cell or 2...
(06-25-2015 06:52 AM)AbeLincolnBart Wrote: [ -> ]Quick (but extremely adequate) Review:


The instructions in the PDF are incredibly devoid of all the necessary information about how to find the right places to advertise or testing necessary. The video included didn't even mention testing.

I give you word-for-word the total instructions offered for how to get this massive traffic which makes all the money talked about in the sales page.

"BNX Traffic in short, stands for Banner Network traffic."

"Go To This Link and find a website that
you think can serve your demographics.
For example, if you are targeting traffic who wants to buy dog
products, make sure you advertise on a dog websites or websites
where dog owners will be at everyday.
Once you found sites that are targeted towards the visitors you want,
click on them and BuySellAds will show you what kind of advertising it allows…
Look for sites with banners on the fold of their website.
Usually, expensive ads are better but if you have low budget, don’t be
afraid to try smaller sites.
Once you identify the format and sizes of the banners that you want
to promote, you can use either the banners we have provided, or hire
someone to do it for $5 on
And that’s it !
That’s how you run offers easily.
Try it out yourself and take massive action.

And the included video basically takes 12 minutes (that you'll never get back) to say the same thing.
Rating: 0 out of 5

Well, no wonder we've all been doing it all wrong....
We just needed these simple instructions.

Great review. I appreciate you taking the time to create that.
Pages: 1 2
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