[quote='Batmans' pid='1316640' dateline='1435003363']
If he is making 30,000 per month. He would be able to afford a better presentation video to sell his course.
Your absolutely right. I watched and researched this course and it's content.
It is very flawed. So much so, that I've become a troll on the course's discussion page. But don't worry, they keep deleted myt posts. I'll have to stop before I get in trouble with udemy.
anyway, the instructor is a 'Warrior'. his past endeavors have been about fiverr and cpa marketing. All the the usual "make buckets of money in one day" spiels. But THAT's not the problem
The course starts of with three lectures touting this 'great' website creator company that he swears by. (yes, 3 lectures about it) It turns out the website itself was only created in march 2015.
When a student asks for a sample of a website from this company (believe it or not, the site HAS NONE

) the instructor replies sure... and posts a link to a 'buy my arbitrage system for $60' website. and that's JUST the beginning !
the 'sample' site has pics that are WAY stretched out- like a fun house mirror.
The website creating company's site has mouse over links that don't link to anything and highlighted links that are 404
AND get this... He says never to use a wordpress site, because it looks too cheap. just use the company he recommends (readyportfolio) but the readyportfolio site AND the example ARE wordpress sites LOL
Another student points out "hey, that's your voice on the example site' and it's not a 'writer's' site either. (HERE's WHERE IT GETS GOOD

) -
The instructor replies "oh, the site offers other services too. He used a voiceover for his course and these 'other' guys must have used the same voiceover service"
NOW here's the problem- the site is named readyportfolios dot com and even states at the top- 'freelance writers' and business writer's portfolios made' SO... where does voiceovers and IM marketing sites play into that? there's no links for any of that...
NEXT- the audio is crap on his course. There are three very distinctive sets of recordings, two of which are bad with feedback and background noise or echos. Nobody would PAY for that kind of voice over.
OK, now another student asks " you give an example that pays you $3000 a month, but their site only has two articles in their blog. How is that?"
his reply? 'I also do other services for them like white paers and on page seo.' OK, so.... the example of $3k a month is an example of NOT article arbitrage....
I swear, none of these are my posts. My trolls are replying back to his answers, telling him how ridiculous they are !!
And it just goes on and on like that. my fav is his statement "don't worry too much about what to charge, just don't charge too low or over charge" THAT STATEMENT SURE CLEARS UP THE PRICING ISSUE !
[size=large]****rant over. here's the review***********************
[*]create a proffesional looking writer's porfolio website
[*]add examples (pay someone for articles)
[*]use craiglist to find small towns and do local searches for clients
[*]use beauty clinics and emergency service sectors
[*]look to see if they have a blog.
[*]email them and tell them they need one or they need a more/better articles
[*]keep emailing till someone say yes
[*]use Iwriter to write articles because they usually have 24 hour turn around.
[*]decide what to charge depending on their need
[*]keep going until you make $30k a month
the idea has merit, but the course is totally lacking. you'd be better off figuring out how to work this technique on your own then to think this course or the instructor has any more answers.
case in point- He actually repeats the point to contact businesses on the first page of google search. A student questions this and his reply was to explain to potential client the importance of staying on page one. In my experience, the fast money is on page TWO of google. Desperation is easier to persuade.[/size]