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Experience hypnosis to learn new methods to develop confidence while flying. Enjoy deep relaxation and comfort. Smile


P.S. @ "whywork"...I think I did the link {URL} correct....I hope so
Your link looks good, however you need to learn to "hide" them now, and also search for duplicate threads prior to posting a new thread. This thread is an example of a duplicate post and you will eventually draw the ire of other members if you make a habit of posting stuff that is already on the board. That also goes for "forever free" courses that anyone can access anytime by searching at the Udemy site - best not to post those.

To hide a link, just use this format:

[h i d e] <-----------remove spaces
[/h i d e] <-----------remove spaces

To search for duplicate threads, pleased visit the "stickied" posts at the top of the forum, where several members have contributed their favorite search methods.
@ "whywork" .....Awesome....Thanks again.......I ALWAYS do a search first!!!...If you look at my posts (This one included)...They have not been shared before....That part of it, I am good at and now the link part...Thanks to You!!!....MAX REPS TO YOU... Smile
[quote='Uriah777' pid='1315795' dateline='1434941573']
I ALWAYS do a search first!!!...If you look at my posts (This one included)...They have not been shared before....That part of it, I am good at

Are you 100% sure about that?

Here is the original post for this Udemy course which took a matter of seconds for me to find, so you need to brush up on your search techniques. Smile
@ "whywork"...I will brush up....My Question is: The title on this post is: " Destroy the Fear of Flying using Hypnosis! "

That is what I did My search for...and no one has shared it before....Now your search was on the title: "Fly Fearlessly with

Hypnosis!" ....and this one is $99.00 and yours is $49.00.....Sooooo...I did the search, under the current name....

So how did you find it????...Since they were different names and prices (same course)...Please enlighten me and other

newbie posters...It will be much appreciated...P.S. I did learn the "search criteria"

But obviously...There is more...Thanks Again...

Have you read the stickied search tutorials at the top of the forum? There are several tricks to searching, too much to restate again in this thread. I am one of the contributors in those threads - you will see my post when you start going through them. I am biased, but I like my techniques the most - they are easiest and fastest IMHO. Courses do change titles and prices over time as instructors make changes and improvements, so indeed searches using that kind of data will be unreliable.
@ "whywork"...No I have not....But I will...Especially Yours...Thanks Again...I hope others that are planning to post,

get a chance to read these threads...I will not share anymore until I read the sticky's...

Everyone else...Thank You for your patience with me while I am learning how to do this the correct way...

Peace... Smile
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