06-21-2015, 08:29 PM
DirectAdmin is the easiest to use control panel, period. DirectAdmin is programmed to be the fastest running control panel available. DirectAdmin avoids downtime by automatically recovering from crashes. Today will share to you a tutorial "Install Directadmin 1.44.3 Nulled"
System i use: CentOS all version 5.8, 6.4 or lastest 6.5 and both 32 and 64 bit.
Ram suggestion: 1Gb
Step 1: Keep your VPS or Server is up to date:
yum update
Step 2: Install some require module for install:
yum -y install wget gcc gcc-c++ flex bison make bind bind-libs bind-utils openssl openssl-devel perl quota libaio libcom_err-devel libcurl-devel tar diffutils nano dbus.x86_64 db4-devel cyrus-sasl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed.x86_64 cpan
Step 3: Update kerrel (source)
wget -c http://demo.9tuts.net/directadmin1443/update_source.sh
chmod 755 update_source.sh
Step 4: Install Directadmin Nulled + Capri skin (Included)
wget -c http://demo.9tuts.net/directadmin1443/da1443-en.sh
chmod 755 da1443-en.sh
./da1443-en.sh 2>&1|tee directadmin_install.log
Put everything you want
ClientID : yourdomain.com
LicenseID: yourdomain.com
Hostname : cp.yourdomain.com (link to controller)
Affter install successfuly go to http://cp.yourdomain.com:2222 (add A record with server to cp.yourdomain.com) and login into DirectAdmin controler.
Source: Source Install Directadmin Nulled