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[quote='matharoo' pid='1315964' dateline='1434954441']
[quote='Edjumacated_Bum' pid='1315205' dateline='1434899130']
GFY you selfish d-bag chode.

You only cared about yourself by acting like a POS loser here - as NOTHING stopped you from READING ABOUT BBHF FIRST before spamming this forum.

As well, SHOW US an example of where other BBHF people are making Posts like this - like it's the 'norm' here? It's obviously Not if you were just not so blind to the mental disease of greed. Are you really that stunned to use incompetence as defense to your failed actions?

So, your BS about 'not knowing' is NO REASON to be a spam-hole. You only logged onto the Internet yesterday son?

Until you have the spine to be a good BBHF member - then WE don't need you here and you should go find a place where degenerates like you are welcomed (wherever that may be).

[quote='matharoo' pid='1314771' dateline='1434869403']
If you think it is wrong, it's okay if a mod just deletes it (if possible). I apologize, I didn't knew it was wrong.

Well, as I know it a good member respects others, and not treat others like this. I really didn't knew it was wrong; I thought I would just start a small campaign for my course where I will give one person a FREE coupon. Some days back I did the same with 5 people winning $1 coupons. Humans make mistakes. If you know something, that doesn't necessarily mean that others would know it too! Just calm down.

If u really want to apologize, do the following [color=#FFD700][b]REAL action[/b][/color]:

1. Stop your stupid Campaign! This is [size=medium][color=#FF4500]NOT A PLACE FOR SUCH TRICKY WAY TO COLLECT EMAILS FOR YOUR MARKETING![/color][/size]

2. To be [color=#FFD700][b][size=large]FAIR! [/size][/b][/color]Release your free coupons like other course starters AS USUAL, [size=large][b]they ALL did not do any stupid Campaign![/b][/size]
Well thanks for all this.
Thank you everyone for your kindness, greatly appreciated. I love you all <3
trying to use a cpa twist spam marketing LOOOOL not here body
[quote='matharoo' pid='1316018' dateline='1434958370']
Well thanks for all this.

[size=large][b]No need to thx![/b][/size]

[size=medium][b][b][b]If u really want to apologize, do the following [color=#FFD700]REAL action[/color]:

1. Stop your stupid Campaign! This is [color=#FF4500]NOT A PLACE FOR SUCH TRICKY WAY TO COLLECT EMAILS FOR YOUR MARKETING! [/color]

2. To be [color=#FFD700]FAIR! [/color]Release your free coupons like other course starters AS USUAL, they [color=#FF4500][b][b]ALL did not do any stupid Campaign![/b][/b][/color][/b][/b][/b][/size]
Well the Campaign has stopped, okay, but I can't even edit my OP or delete it. Thanks. Love you all, thanks for the kindness, greatly appreciate! :-) <3
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