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Full Version: [F4LT] - Got (Good) Work?
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Course Description:
Are you anxiously unemployed, unhappy in your job, or self-employed and struggling? Imagine instead a work situation where you have all of the money, time, and flexibility you need to spend with your friends and family and do what you love. Learn from successful experts how to achieve prosperity and freedom by following your passion and purpose from this career training programs. Smile Cool
Uriah777: PLEASE STOP promoting courses who are already a long time for free.
RULE [6] DO NOT post FREE courses that are available to everyone
on udemy unless they will become paid courses in the future.
Check the following thread
for the top free coupons:
OK, for those of you who would like a 'BETTER' description, this is from course page-

Learn from successful experts how to achieve prosperity and freedom by following your passion and purpose from this career training programs.

Bill Walsh, billionaire business coach shares the mindset and systems required to achieve professional success.
Dr. Ron Eccles, a.k.a. the “Success Doctor”, shares how to change the way you perceive and think about your world and your ability to be successful in it.
Ingrid Stabb, author of The Career Within You, teaches how to forge a career path based on your key professional and personal qualities and strengths.
Laurie teaches how to fight off your self-doubt and stay true to your real self as you passionately pursue your ideal career.

NOTE: This seminar is the 3rd of 6 in Laurie Gardner's Courageous U series, "Big Shell or Bust: Making and Managing Change." Enroll in each seminar separately or enjoy the whole series.

Also note that this seminar was originally offered as a live teleseminar


This Laurie Gardner, who billed as instructor and calls it the "U SERIES", also offers the 5 of the 6 parts as F4LT. they are-

PART 1 Heart

part 2 is not F4LT it's $29 Verysad Verysad

part 3 is OP's link above Cool

part 4 F4LT is Heart

part 5 F4LT is Heart
(which was shared once before, but I thought relavant to add) Huh

part 6 F4LT is Heart

each range anywhere from 1 to 2 hours long and keep in mind, it's a recording of a podcast Wink

NOW PLEASE after your done reading this, DON'T GO RE-POSTING AS NEW THREADS, THINKING TO GET CHEAP EASY REPS 4 times!!! Lol it is not worth clogging up the forum and it would be incredible underhanded of you.Sad

this is the first post under the OP's and the family here WILL see it, so don't be cheesy, okay? Tongue
THANKS spiral3d
[quote='Williewortelke' pid='1313607' dateline='1434780658']
Uriah777: PLEASE STOP promoting courses who are already a long time for free.
RULE [6] DO NOT post FREE courses that are available to everyone
on udemy unless they will become paid courses in the future.
Check the following thread
for the top free coupons:

BY THE WAY, I agree. URIAH77, you post WAY too many 'look for the free ones and just post them' courses. But since it was here, I thought I'd make it complete.

trust me, getting 'reps' does not make you a hero. I myself, occasionly put one up, but only if I thought it was worth us knowing about it, and only on occasion, NOT flooding the forum threads. jus' sayin' Smile
spiral3d ....Thanks for your share....I am only posting 3-5 a day....Takes me about 3 or 4 hours...Because someone else has already shared...I Don't GET REPS To Be a HERO...(ARE YOU SERIOUS) That Made Me Laugh...It's called sharing...I Don't get paid....and I GET A TON OF THANKS...and have had ONLY 2 Negative People. JUST TONIGHT....The Courses I post, are worth knowing about...Maybe You Should just avoid my posts...unless you want to add positively to them... JUST SAYIN Smile
No Uriah777: the rules are there not to fight you but to help all of us. We only want courses that are free for a limited time [F4LT] and courses that need a coupon code to be free. So stick to the rules and stop posting courses that are free anyway. It is polluting the section. And stop adding your DT code as it does not do anything at all: it does not leave a cookie so you can earn money as an affiliate which is also not allowed in the rules.
"Williewortelke" I am not an Affiliate with Udemy...Now I'm thinking that you are some kind of TROLL...Wish you would STOP...You don't read a word I write...YOU say WE...(THAT IS A JOKE) You are new to this forum...and Now You act like you OWN it...This Forum is about Sharing and Helping each other...ONCE AGAIN>>> WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO CONTRIBUTE.....NOTHING....JUST TROLLING and CAUSING THIS THREAD TO GET YOU MORE EXPOSURE....and PLEASE!!!!>>>LEAVE IT ALONE<<<
Uriah777 YOU are the one who is not abiding the sensible rules. Read them and stick to it!
ok, well this has become a 3 way sword battle, which is off the point of creating threads and postings to them, so this is my last post here (I'll still read responses, just for fun, though)

to Willie - the 'DT' your referring to, is NOT an aff link. It is the code Udemy puts on if you click on a course on the "coninue to course/ new and noteworthy course" splash page that shows up after you sign up for a course.Its used to remove aff links if you ADD another course from that list. Uriah777 is just too lazy to remove it from his copy n paste regime.

to Uriah777- Glad I made u laugh. But there are those who get caught up in the gamification of the rep system, and they flood this forum with anything and everything they can find to get them. I'm not saying that is your only intention, but I don't think for a minute, that you haven't been looking at or watching your reps go up as you post course after course. It's natural. It's why BBHF has it. And yeah, Willie is still right. there are rules, and they are listed right just post new courses. If people want to find free courses for themselves they know how. If they are too lazy, that really is their problem. And while I'm at it, they can see they free courses on the splash page too, just like you can.

In the end, your not helping those of us interested in what's new and free for now. Your only helping the 'collectors'- those who will prob never use or watch them.

I have this conversation every few months, all the time (Willie will soon find that out too). just to try and keep things in check from 'flooders' So nothing personal. AS you can see I do honor your efforts, I just want it kept in the guidelines for good reason. wait til this fall, you see the flooders. and they'll re-post EVERYTHING you've already found, thinking they're being cool and we are all ignorant. If you noticed we are already getting duplicate threads on the same page starting up again, just in the last two weeks. sigh....

WoW. I ranted again. ............END TRANSMISSION.
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