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Full Version: Book Cover Ninja - HUGE collection of covers for your ebooks $47 > 0 for BBHF folks SUPER HOT!
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"User is over quota"

maybe we could chop it down to bits, and upload :)
re upload plz
I get the same thing. I believe it's ME who is over quota because I need to upgrade my account. Can someone else who is getting the over quota message confirm that they, in fact, have space in their pcloud account?
any other new Mirror guys?
thank you
user is over quota it says. It's a pity would have loved this
o offers to re-up it
Anybody can re-upload ?
this is the new Mega link, downloaded from nextboyband link

User over quota doesn't mean the OP's account is over, it's you - because it was me, too :) You'll have to delete some stuff to get it transferred to your pCloud account, then DL it because it's huge and you will want to get it out of your pCloud account.

Thanks and reps to kopox for the Mega links.
Epic hook-up with the mirror nextboyband, thanks A TON! (And cheers for sharing the mega links kopox. ^^) +repped you both!
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