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Full Version: [GET] [BBHF Exclusive] Latest Explaindio v2.003 Standard Version Cracked By Arif shah
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working , but there is a new update 2.004 hope you can crack that update,
if they are updating every now and then this could be tasky for you.
im willing to learn how you crack this thing :)
repped added to the OP
what is with the pro version ? and maybe a gb ???
pro version just allowed you to stream videos from their data base.
overall the shared version here is fine, im ok with it.
(06-25-2015 08:57 PM)iyuri305 Wrote: [ -> ]pro version just allowed you to stream videos from their data base.
overall the shared version here is fine, im ok with it.


The current pro version has at least 8 modules in it that
are different to the standard version.. hence the flurry of
main updates..

The "youtube" module is dicey at the best of times, using
content that is marked for "commons" from youtube, is
not going to stop the creator/animation studio/movie house
from coming after anyone for infringement!

Think everyone is working on the idea that the "fix" to the
pro version will be better to complete after the main soft
is released on the 30 june/1 july..

2.005 is being compiled, which again will not be the final
standard and|or pro sold version.. ;-)

Pro is still working on server2012 vps|vmware node for
whatever reason.. however it is ver 2.002 and has not
got 3 of the modules in 2.004 beta..

Best to wait it out, there are some seriously good fixers
here and bbhf is the place to come for any extended tests
on the software you want..

Think for the money you can make with Explaindio Pro
it is worth just buying anyway, you can get your money
back in full by selling just ONE marketing video!!!

Kudos to supercharger. :)
i just download the 2.004 version for windows, i will be write my review, but i am very confortable with the videoscribe 2.0 that was share here
(06-25-2015 09:38 PM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ]The "youtube" module is dicey at the best of times, using
content that is marked for "commons" from youtube, is
not going to stop the creator/animation studio/movie house
from coming after anyone for infringement!

Oh, you mean the $69 OTO1 Upsell? The YouTube ripper is NOT supplied as part of the Pro version - it costs extra cash.
crack is not working , its asking for the key
crack is not working.
(06-28-2015 04:42 AM)maurya Wrote: [ -> ]crack is not working.


2002, 2003 or 2004 install?

2002 is still working
2003 is only working on windows server 2012
2004 is working, but seems to not save the project!

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