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[GET]CodeCanyon Freelancer Office_v1.7 (June-2015)

[Image: _item_preview.png]

Freelancer Office is a Simple and convenient web based project management and time tracking tool for managing projects, setting tasks and monitoring your work.

[Image: CC_Screenshot_Laptop.png]

Download Now !

DEMO/Sales Page :

VT Scan Links :
SHA256: 8430b54f39a76d9f0f505e9013a8a9b326474515b596dd45542d5b31215721cf
File name: CodeCanyon-8870728-Freelancer-Office_v1.7_Project-Management-Tool...
Detection ratio: 1 / 57
Analysis date: 2015-06-17 16:18:15 UTC ( 1 minute ago )
Quick FiX :--

[b]Step to install:[/b]
1.7-Nulled and 1.7.1-quickfix-Nulled with fully working updates.

[b]Step 1[/b]

open .htaccess and edit if installing in sub folder

RewriteBase /

[b]Step 2[/b]
Create a database and click on SQL
found in resources open and copy content in 1_7_install.sql and paste it in the SQL box in the database and click run
now do the same with upgrade_1.7.1.sql

[b]Step 3[/b]
open - application/config/database.php and edit to your database settings.

$db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$db['default']['username'] = 'root';
$db['default']['password'] = '';
$db['default']['database'] = '';

[b]Step 4 [/b]
now go the your url and login with
username - admin
password - admin
It includes a fix release for 1.7?
(06-18-2015 03:40 AM)patrykos360 Wrote: [ -> ]It includes a fix release for 1.7?

Yes You can Check It your Own Smile
VT Scan Links :
SHA256: 8430b54f39a76d9f0f505e9013a8a9b326474515b596dd45542d5b31215721cf
File name: CodeCanyon-8870728-Freelancer-Office_v1.7_Project-Management-Tool...
Detection ratio: 1 / 57
Analysis date: 2015-06-17 16:18:15 UTC ( 1 minute ago )[/align]

Dear saif
It contains webshell !!!!
Kindly check it is it safe I have also seen one of your another share digi exam too contains the same
Are they infected files or backdoors???????????

Kindly clarify
Thank you and Rep. added
I have big problem with this script on edit profile my client can not enter the company name, later they can not create a project because they must supplement this data, we must wait for 1.8 version
and this not include fix for 1.7 i check problem witch translate and others still not work

here is fix files
can someon share fix files ?
(06-19-2015 08:41 PM)savaskampas Wrote: [ -> ]can someon share fix files ?

Here you have :)
Thanks OP for Updating this Post with QuickFix and Download Link .
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