Just tried this softwre, but there's no 'INSTAGRAM' in 'add new profile menu'
Can you fix it?
(03-10-2016 09:26 AM)moramo Wrote: [ -> ]Just tried this softwre, but there's no 'INSTAGRAM' in 'add new profile menu'
Can you fix it?
:)) what do you mean, of course there is, can you send me a printscreen of this? via pm ideally ;)
I am interesting in this, but I dont have now money on paypal, and I wanted to try it for 5 days. :(
(03-16-2016 10:03 PM)rakicko Wrote: [ -> ]I am interesting in this, but I dont have now money on paypal, and I wanted to try it for 5 days. :(
you don't need to have money on your paypal to try it as it asks for $0 for the first 5 days, just create an account and you will see.
Can you make the trial commitment-free?
(06-24-2016 04:23 PM)riefkhy Wrote: [ -> ]Can you make the trial commitment-free?
It is commitment-free, you do need to do it via a paypal account to make sure people don't abuse this and create trial after trial.