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Full Version: hoangnguyen is NOW PERMANENTLY BANNED (similar activity to Chungpq - GB Scam)
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Quote:Running rampant selling GB that are just not fulfilled, and have no intention of it using fake credit cards. The personally never buy the service.


People are asking for refunds, and they simply don't respond to and the members do not received their money back.

The GB's they have conducted threads below, show proof that they clearly are out to scam and do not have the best interest of the forum and its members.

I checked their GB threads and i see lot of complaints.
Looks like a scam to me, and we have ZERO TOLERANCE to those scammers.
SENT YOU PM, Please check ! @Omni Potens
(06-17-2015 11:45 PM)hoangnguyen2 Wrote: [ -> ]SENT YOU PM, Please check ! @Omni Potens

Careful scammer alert haha.
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