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Full Version: [ADVICE] Read this before you purchase USED GSA Products
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Hello all,

Please read this thread before you purchase any used license from GSA Thanks.
There are no license transfers in GSA, and in most other software.
The emails used to get support are not part of the deal, and you just end up in a lurch if you try to get any support.

I have been using SER + Indexer with a used license, and did not have any trouble. But again, this is from a forum user I trust. So, it really depends on how much money you can save and for how long can you use the product.
It's not allowed at all! I closed this thread.

Let me give you the reason gain why we do not allow this.

1. A lot scam is going on with this. People use stolen credit cards or other fraud to buy licenses and start selling them. Of course the license is not working for long and deactivated a couple of hours/days after the fraud has been detected. People who bought that from someone else get angry at us that ther license doesn't work anymore. Well nothing we can do about it really.

2. People sell the same license to more than one person. The same as in point one happens and license is no longer working.

3. People sell there license and keep it for themselfe. Same as point 2.
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