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Full Version: BLuestacks Alternatives with VMWARE and VirtualBox
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I have been running experiments with VMware Worstation 11, VMware Fusion (Linux and Mac) and VirtualBox.

I have successfully installed and rooted both 4.4.2 and 5.0.1 Android OS in vmware workstation 11 on windows and in VMware Fusion 7 in both Linux and MAC OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite.

I have yet to work much with Virtual Box and have success but I have not really tried at all.

My main issue is I cant seem to get it to work correctly like I cant seem to get the browser apps to work they seem the C2D when launched.

Has anyone tried themselves and have any success with the broswer apps
Does anyone have any suggestion to help me design a new build?
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