07-09-2015, 04:51 AM
(06-12-2015 12:19 PM)twotokes Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you UsualCliche! Max REPs for you....
Quick Review:
This is one of the better WSOs that I have seen. It's 26 pages without large type, screaming headlines and space wasting screen shots. It is well written and organized. The author clearly invested the time to produce a good PDF.
As for the content, this WSO uses the same keyword strategy that I use. It is a combination of the Google Keyword Planner and a great free site, ubersuggest.org.
I won't get into great detail - you'll have to read the WSO - but in a nutshell, you come up with a few keywords on the product you are promoting, like "body building." You then take the keywords and put it into Uber Suggest, which will then comes up with hundreds of combinations. The site then allows you to save these keywords as a CSV file and you can then load them into the Google Keyword Planner.
After running all the keyword combinations through the Keyword Planner, you can determine the keyword combinations with the most searches. You can then create content and titles using the most popular search phrases, which will hopefully be picked up by Google and come up in natural search results.
It's also good to see a keyword WSO that doesn't require buying a program/service like Long Tail Pro or Market Samurai. It uses the free Google Keyword Planner and the author does a good job explaining the parts of the Keyword Planner that are useful for research, not buying Adwords.
I have used this method for the past few months and it actually works.
So for the first time, I am going to give a WSO a positive rating - 4/5. The only reason why I didn't give it a 5/5 was because I was already familiar with this method and didn't learn anything, but I think a lot of folks will find this report helpful.
What a great review. Thank you ever so much for your time and effort. Much appreciated. Repped
(06-10-2015 03:38 PM)usualcliche Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like just another Keyword planner walk through...
Magic Button :http://cuttingedgeventures.com/rhtkeywordresearch/
Direct Linkage:
Magic Button :http://cuttingedgeventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/RHT-Keyword-Research-Guide.pdf
Yes, I will enjoy it. Thank you for all your time and effort in sharing this. Much appreciated. Repped