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Full Version: [GET] Stock Photos Rush - Live June 14th @ 11AM EST
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Max Rep+ JS.
Your faster than ever. I was actually looking for this when i found your thread.
Super thanks! Cool
Thank you Johnny, rep added.
This is awesome!!!!
Thank you Johnny for the share, rep added.
sources of the images ???
(06-10-2015 12:07 AM)aminoacid Wrote: [ -> ]sources of the images ???

The majority of images are from and and
Free for commercial use / No attribution required - so whatever license the seller has set as in developer rights or
resell rights ... the images are all downloaded for free and just packaged together!

Just like Josh Ratta has a premium image library for his VideoMotionPro product:

If u download and unzip ... u get a folder called unsplash!
Meaning ... the entire library has been hand-picked and downloaded from!
(Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.)
(06-10-2015 12:16 AM)JohnnyShadow Wrote: [ -> ]The majority of images are from and and

Ok, thanks. :-)
(06-10-2015 12:58 AM)aminoacid Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2015 12:16 AM)JohnnyShadow Wrote: [ -> ]The majority of images are from and and

Ok, thanks. :-)

No problem!
I´ve used all of them to package my own special downloads
to build targeted list´s or add as a bonus for related products.Cool
Johnny Shadow... you are a legend!!! Max REPs of course!
Great share as always Johnny!
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