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Full Version: REQ. Can someone please complete this Survey Or Share This Thing.
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REQ. Can someone please complete this Survey Or Share This Thing.

Survey link :

Please share Amazon Gift Card Codes With Us.
serius you crazy and donkeys fly
why you do not complete the survey
(06-07-2015 01:14 PM)sharkwhite Wrote: [ -> ]serius you crazy and donkeys fly
why you do not complete the survey

The surveys isn't avaliable for my country.
Please tell me how can i complete it?
I'll do it for you, please give me your Name, Address, Cell phone number, EMail address and Social Security Number...oh, just in case, gimme also your checking account number with your PIN and I promise, I'll give you the last 4 digits...
(06-07-2015 02:42 PM)taras Wrote: [ -> ]I'll do it for you, please give me your Name, Address, Cell phone number, EMail address and Social Security Number...oh, just in case, gimme also your checking account number with your PIN and I promise, I'll give you the last 4 digits...

Seems legit LOL
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