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Pages: 1 2
Safe or not?
(06-03-2015 10:17 PM)raziel23x Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-03-2015 09:32 PM)Dede Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry buddy, but my share is tested and checked, how I could share virus to my brother in BBHF!
We are not talking to you talking to that other guy who likes to hijack everyone threads with unneeded mirrors specially though of us who even say not to Mirror our Stuff

(06-03-2015 10:46 PM)raziel23x Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-03-2015 12:55 AM)Dede Wrote: [ -> ][Image: UsUghNf.png]

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Quote:http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/9056a303ca70f3e0568fc9251efd21e6/architect-1.3.rar.html

Here is the Virus Scan from our fav site


Finally the file shared from @Dede is safe or not? Im confused when reading all the comments
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