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Get Access to
The Power Tools The Experts Use
To Get Tons Of Traffic, High Rankings,
And Make Money,
While Saving YOU A Ton Of Cash At The Same Time.

Hey Warriors...

Welcome to "You Be The Judge"...Your ultimate guide to exploiting powerful free and low cost trial period of the most popular and powerful SEO, linking and content creation resources found anywhere.

Do you know the main difference between expert SEOers and Noobs? Experience and tools...You Be The Judge is your reference guide to the most valuable free and low cost trail offers for SEO, Link Building and Content Creation the real pros use, giving you easy access to the best trials all in one place.

Many of the programs used by SEO and linking experts offer free and very low cost trial periods, often with no restrictions of power. Not only do these opportunities give you a chance to take them for a test drive, they also give you access to the potential and production each has to offer.

And you can get all the power these programs have to have for free or very low cost.

If you're short on cash, new to SEO or even an old pro, you'll find tons of valuable offers to help take your web promo to the next level.

For each offer, "You Be The Judge" will give you details such as:
  • Unsubscribe Info - I let you know BEFORE you sign up what it takes to unsubscribe from your trials. Are the payments automatic? Through Paypal? Or are the subscriptions handled internally so you are at the mercy of the program developers to cancel your payments?
  • Links to the program's How To and Tutorials to let you learn as much as possible BEFORE signing up, to help maximize your ability to be productive during your trial periods
  • What When and Why: Tips and info about each program, what it does, and when to use it and why.
I spent weeks, if not longer, putting together all these details so you'll have them all in one convenient easy-to-use package.

And if the power of these free and low cost trials isn't obvious, here's some more reasons to check out these opportunities:

Need Help Learning? - Many of the programs available have great learning tutorials that take you step by step through the process of a facet of web promotion that exceed the value of info contained in many of the typical ebooks you see for sale. Whether it's picking keywords, working with bookmarks and much, much more, you'll be a pro in no time.

Do - Don't Just Learn - The latest, greatest ebooks are fine. But if you're just reading, you aren't doing. Taking advantage of these powerful free and inexpensive trials get you in action mode, by being proactive and productive and learn by doing!

Remember: Reading = Being Passive.
Using Software = Being ACTIVE!
(Really think about this...It's a HUGE difference)

Time Limits Are Extra Motivation To Get Things Done - Everyone loves to procrastinate...Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? But with limited-time trial offers, you don't have that luxury, as the clock is ticking and if you snooze you lose. In many cases, just the fact that you need to use a program NOW or lose the benefits acts as a tremendous motivating force. Because of this, trials often "force" you to take action.

Quick Cash...Make Money NOW - Sure, SEO can take some time to see results. However, you can use some of these trials to make cash NOW. During your trials, check and see which one(s) you like best and get to know it inside and out. Then, for some quick cash you can easily create Fiverr gigs and earn some extra money. Then use your Fiverr cash to grow your business, try or buy the full versions of programs or to expand your own network of cyber real estate...Or just use your quick cash to hold you over until your own SEO efforts start to pay off.

Traffic Diversity = More Adsense Money - Did you know that Google doesn't pay everyone the same, even for the exact same Adsense ad? Google applies a "quality" score to the traffic you get and send. And, one of these factors is how diverse your traffic is. If all of your traffic is from the same source, then you'll have a lower quality score and likely will be paid less per click. But since these trials use a vast array of resources, they can greatly help your traffic quality score, resulting in higher payment for your AdSense clicks.

Link Diversity - Sure, "high quality" links are great, but so is having a very wide range of sites linking to you. By having access to all sorts of programs you're insured of having a wide degree of diversity you'll need to get real results.

Saves Your Valuable Time - I've spent weeks putting together You Be The Judge, including many of the more popular and powerful SEO tools anywhere. I've also included many programs you may not have heard about before.

Unique and Valuable "Quick Tips" - I've added my own tips for selecting and using keywords, domain name advice and more that you won't get from anyone else.

Disclaimer - I am an affiliate for some of the programs. I wasn't going to include affiliate links in this report, but then I thought about it...Since all the programs included in this report come with a trial period, this allows you to check them and and put them through your own tests and form you own opinions about the programs. Plus, I've included cancellation instructions for each, so after checking them out, so if any of them aren't for you, it's easy for you to cancel.

Because you can check them out then cancel easily, I figured that being an affiliate wouldn't hurt my objectivity. And if you like a program and decide to upgrade, any affiliate commissions would allow me to drop the price of You Be The Judge. So instead of charging $12-$15 for this report, I can cut the price by more than half. So it's a win/win for both of us.

More Reasons to Get You Be The Judge:
  • Get free "in content" links on private blogging networks.
  • Build custom link wheels, link pyramids, link pushes and more on auto pilot.
  • develop and acquire cyber real estate
  • Exploit the power of social networks through automation.
  • Get free and low cost custom bookmarking services.
  • Benefit from the premier video marketing services.
  • Get free and inexpensive access to major blog networks, offering you permanent links on their networks.
  • Scoop up the most valuable domain names.
  • Submit! Submit! Submit! Submit your articles, Submit your sites to directories, RSS aggregators, ping sites, and more.
  • Create profile links like "Angela's and Paul's" link packets automatically.
  • Discover the most powerful keywords.
You are getting access to thousands of dollars worth of programs and benefits for literally pennies on the dollar...

Get access to all this and lots and lots more...
All for free or on the cheap!


This looks very interesting. Thanks again!
please re-up this as multiupload doesn't work
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