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Full Version: Automated Facebook Page Creator
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Does anyone have any good suggestions for a nifty piece of software that would do the following for me....

Basically, i want to be able to enter a list of keywords and upload a folder of images. Then for the piece of software to visit Facebook (using proxies if req'd) and as if by magic, create a new FB page for each of the keyword terms, populating it with related news and the images from my folder (or even just images from the interwebs).

I had my eye on a piece of software (built with uBot) that did this for Launch Jacking but that was on the Warrior Forum about 3-4yrs ago.
The guy selling it had it on there for $99 then it shot up to $699 or something ridiculous (think he realised how much changes he'd have to keep making in uBot to keep up with FB changes).

Any suggestions please would be greatly appreciated.
I create 100 fanpages with macro recorder. But i can see that can be a little complicated for you to make that maybe. If you do please share :)
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