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(06-02-2015 07:29 AM)jamesdalton85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-01-2015 06:09 PM)NotSo Invisible Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-01-2015 05:59 PM)jamesdalton85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-31-2015 10:07 AM)NotSo Invisible Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-31-2015 09:18 AM)jamesdalton85 Wrote: [ -> ]post here

jamesdalton85 - I believe the group buy you are offering at your link is in violation of the rules here at BBHF.

Give-me a link to violation please.

LOL - That's funny. MODs have removed your two group buys. And the link YOU posted was a link to one of the group buys. So, now it is gone.. Why are you asking me to provide a link? It's you who provided the link to the violation.. Silly..

LOL? what are you like 5?

I have double posted the thread asked mods to delete it but accidentally got deleted the wrong one. What's with the color text? You Gay bro?

Also you say against the rules so I'm asking you give me the link? Can't you read?

You have been a member here since 2013 and you are asking me to point you to the rules? Then you want to accuse me of not being mature and asking if I am gay?

Both of your GBs were deleted because they violated the rules for GBs. Find the rules and learn. All you have to do is go to the correct area of the forums and the rules are there.

Grow up and stop asking me or anyone else to show you were the rules are. You are big enough to be here and attempt to start a group buy, you are big enough to look for yourself where the rules are.

Learn the rules (you have been here long enough to have found them) and get used the fact that I am going to use colors and bigger text so that you can more easily read it.

I believe the rules are also in bigger text and colors so that you can read them.

I suppose you would think those who wrote the rules are also gay? I think you might want to reconsider that kind of talk.
(06-02-2015 11:55 AM)NotSo Invisible Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-02-2015 07:29 AM)jamesdalton85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-01-2015 06:09 PM)NotSo Invisible Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-01-2015 05:59 PM)jamesdalton85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-31-2015 10:07 AM)NotSo Invisible Wrote: [ -> ]jamesdalton85 - I believe the group buy you are offering at your link is in violation of the rules here at BBHF.

Give-me a link to violation please.

LOL - That's funny. MODs have removed your two group buys. And the link YOU posted was a link to one of the group buys. So, now it is gone.. Why are you asking me to provide a link? It's you who provided the link to the violation.. Silly..

LOL? what are you like 5?

I have double posted the thread asked mods to delete it but accidentally got deleted the wrong one. What's with the color text? You Gay bro?

Also you say against the rules so I'm asking you give me the link? Can't you read?

You have been a member here since 2013 and you are asking me to point you to the rules? Then you want to accuse me of not being mature and asking if I am gay?

Both of your GBs were deleted because they violated the rules for GBs. Find the rules and learn. All you have to do is go to the correct area of the forums and the rules are there.

Grow up and stop asking me or anyone else to show you were the rules are. You are big enough to be here and attempt to start a group buy, you are big enough to look for yourself where the rules are.

Learn the rules (you have been here long enough to have found them) and get used the fact that I am going to use colors and bigger text so that you can more easily read it.

I believe the rules are also in bigger text and colors so that you can read them.

I suppose you would think those who wrote the rules are also gay? I think you might want to reconsider that kind of talk.

jamesdalton85 Not gay and not interested. Try someone else.
(06-22-2015 03:49 AM)NotSo Invisible Wrote: [ -> ]jamesdalton85 Not gay and not interested. Try someone else.

[Image: wpid-oa6i1.jpg?w=630]

Found your picture mate :) lolz
You might want to consider reading the following before you take this too much further.
It would seem you are violating more rules the further you go along.
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