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(05-23-2015 05:50 PM)creative63 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks great share

rep add

(05-24-2015 05:25 AM)tonny Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. +Reps Added

(05-24-2015 05:42 AM)sickjake Wrote: [ -> ]Nice share OP - appreciated
reps added

AIO Mirrors:
Magic Button :
Magic Button :

(05-24-2015 06:11 AM)twotokes Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent share. Thank you Samurai!
Max REPs of course...

(05-24-2015 07:30 AM)OnceWild Wrote: [ -> ]+5 Reps - Thank you very much samuraiwarrio for this awesome share!

(05-24-2015 11:03 AM)kafirbaz12 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you samuraiwarrior. Rep+++++
Does anyone has the Fluid Template and would like to share it?

(05-24-2015 04:54 PM)☼Holistic☼ Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks and Max Reps! Amazon is always evergreen and the most consistent moneymaker. These tools really help.

(05-24-2015 07:19 PM)Damian K. Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome share. Rep added. Link:

(05-24-2015 07:21 PM)anhd Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks you very much

(05-24-2015 08:02 PM)taras Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you and Rep. added

Thanks all for your kind words.
You made my day. Reps are nice.
But your appreciative words are better.

I similarly posted bonuses in the freebies section for Audience Drill which has not even launched (Launching 25.05.15), and 2 jokers who has not contributed at all with any solid shares of their own, went on a rampage why only the bonuses are shared and why not the main product, resulting in me pulling out my share from the freebies section and put only in VIP section.

LOL: Audience Drill has not even been launched yet. Besides, similar to more and more products, the creators have make it to be online based and hence cannot be shared, unless one gets the White Label rights.

But to all who posted here, my sincere appreciation. Its nice to be appreciated for shares. My apologies if I miss anyone out.

Has anyone noticed, in the sales page a "listing" From flippa, they state sold for $2500?!?!
This was the site:

Yet when i searched on Flippa for that listing, that had "Sold", No listings match that search!!
great share bud max reps
Thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing! :)
A big thanks to you samuraiwarrior for the great share and to nokia5233 for the AIO, much appreciated...both reps added.
Thank you Samuraiwarrior for the great share, rep added.
Thank you for this share. Repp added.
How to upload these, do they show as unlicensed any info guys
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