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Let's say that I have two domains for example:

The first domain is from GoDaddy, hosted on BlueHost.

I would like to do a redirect and masking so that the URL would stay as in the URL

What are the steps to do that?

Thanks in advance for your help! Smile
Forward with Masking - login into "" and do this
(05-23-2015 09:36 PM)MasterMind42 Wrote: [ -> ]Forward with Masking - login into "" and do this

thanks for the link but those instructions work if the domain with godaddy hosted on godaddy's nameservers but in my case, I use BlueHost nameservers.
if the domain is hosted, you can edit the index.html to load your referal page (I think)
(05-23-2015 10:55 PM)MasterMind42 Wrote: [ -> ]if the domain is hosted, you can edit the index.html to load your referal page (I think)

correct! I used frameset html code to do that and it works!...but what I found out was the site originally mobile responsive and when I did this method, it converted the mobile ready site to desktop view when visiting the site on a mobile device!! how can I make it go back to the original responsive view when viewed on mobile device? Big thanks for your help!
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