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Full Version: Current Online Marketing Technique
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what is the best online marketing technique now a days, please share some informative information ?
OK this should start you off. First, welcome to BBHF, please LEARN THE PASSWORD
(name of the forum) and follow the rules, they're not hard.

Second, go to WF (warrior forum) and study the various offerings all being flogged online there as the hottest ways to make a million or two before lunch without work, talent or common sense either. Register with a throwaway email, use some protection, eg: VPN and pretend you are a total noob in the forums. Hell, tell them you're a wealthy noob with $10,000 to invest in myspace marketing or next hot thing on the interwebs. Keep a straight face while doing this.

Third, make notes of all the digital diarrehea being sold there. No need to look at in in detail, its all the same old pile of reconstituted fleabitten vomit stained crap and _none_ of it actually works anyway these days. You may want to make notes as to type, price, target market etc for when you launch your own grand product on an unsuspecting market one day.

Fourth, OK, you've now left WF and seen what NOT to do. Come back home to BBHF (best to first have a shower and change clothes after where you've been. Take a deep breath, and promise you will never stoop to the level of WF, you will only create original content, and actually offer value to people who want to send you money. Its the best way anyway.

Thats it dude. See you on the other side. Good luck!
Thanks for replying the valuable information.
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