05-21-2015, 10:08 PM
What good is it to come here and learn how to make all kinds of money if you cant protect it and your family. Weather you believe there is an upcoming Mega Event like the collapse of the dollar or you want to prepare for another Hurricane Sandy, everyone needs to be prepared.
Here is a Huge Collection of prepper books and white papers that every prepper should have. There are 589 files in total, too many to list here but there is a link below that is a snapshot of the directory I have these files in.
Before downloading the 1+ Gig of data look at the file list to see if it interests you first.
589 Prepper Files
Here is a Huge Collection of prepper books and white papers that every prepper should have. There are 589 files in total, too many to list here but there is a link below that is a snapshot of the directory I have these files in.
Before downloading the 1+ Gig of data look at the file list to see if it interests you first.
Magic Button :
589 Prepper Files
Magic Button :