(05-19-2015 11:36 AM)yarddog2k Wrote: [ -> ]My Review:
Ok. I made it through the video training and am not impressed at all.
There is nothing "Speedy" about this guy. After 8 minutes of video Niche 1, he is still pumping his 15 day challenge program. He never shuts up about it for more than a minute. It is pure torture waiting for him to get to the training part.
Also, he recommends you go out and get a domain name "right now!" I don't know about you fellow marketers, but it takes me a little time to find a good domain name that is available.
This entire "speedy" training course is centered around prompting you to get his 15 Day Challenge program.
While there are some good nuggets of information in this training, it's tough trying to get through his spastic, meandering way of teaching.
2 out of 5 stars
Thanks yarddog2k for adding the review. The 15 day challenge is free, and available from the download page. I have just updated the first post for those that don't want to be added to his list,
thanks buddy,awsome share .
(05-19-2015 04:31 AM)gizakesu Wrote: [ -> ]"
I thought that Amazon did not approve of sites that just copied their content and added no unique content.
Yes its true, Amazon does not approve
It amazes me the unnecessary hurdles and excuses people use that fail. Amazon doesn't give a rats ass about your site and copied content, I've been making zon splogs for years and have never gotten a "disapproval" from Amazon, do you think when someone clicks on your "copied" content and purchase something from Amazon that Amazon will turn down the sale or shave your commissions because the click came from "copied content?" Let me answer that for you, F*** No.
I've even "stuffed"
with my zon cookies before and went under the radar, I don't do it anymore because it's not needed. Even then when it was evident I was stuffing people, they still "approved".
Next your going to tell me I can't rank a site with copied content because of penguin, gremlins or some stupid algorithm,
all of those excuses are from people that never tried or read enough propaganda to think it won't work. Stop putting up invisible barriers that don't exist.
Where are you folks getting this Amazon won't approve stuff from? Amazon doesn't even approve sites, how could they say copied content is not approved? maybe in their T.O.S , but I can tell you for sure they don't enforce it.
(05-19-2015 03:42 PM)Mrgwaps Wrote: [ -> ] (05-19-2015 04:31 AM)gizakesu Wrote: [ -> ]"
I thought that Amazon did not approve of sites that just copied their content and added no unique content.
Yes its true, Amazon does not approve
It amazes me the unnecessary hurdles and excuses people use that fail. Amazon doesn't give a rats ass about your site and copied content, I've been making zon splogs for years and have never gotten a "disapproval" from Amazon, do you think when someone clicks on your "copied" content and purchase something from Amazon that Amazon will turn down the sale or shave your commissions because the click came from "copied content?" Let me answer that for you, F*** No.
I've even "stuffed" with my zon cookies before and went under the radar, I don't do it anymore because it's not needed. Even then when it was evident I was stuffing people, they still "approved".
Next your going to tell me I can't rank a site with copied content because of penguin, gremlins or some stupid algorithm, all of those excuses are from people that never tried or read enough propaganda to think it won't work. Stop putting up invisible barriers that don't exist.
Where are you folks getting this Amazon won't approve stuff from? Amazon doesn't even approve sites, how could they say copied content is not approved? maybe in their T.O.S , but I can tell you for sure they don't enforce it.
Amazon does not approve any site that have 100% content from amazon site when it is applying amazon associates for the first time,but if you already got approve or have an associates account this rule will not be apply.