What do you think loser that all the other CPA Networks are working for free you stupid mental case! You probably do being the pathetic lying, ignorant bast*rd that you are thobias.
This lying as*hole is sitting here creating post using two different accounts talking back to each of his different "F"uped personalities. What a freak.
You are a loser, you will always be a loser and what has you so upset is to see someone actually taking the initiative to actually build something worthwhile and it just kills your small simple minded self as to how he can do this and you CAN NOT. So, instead of trying to better yourself you post lies and pure garbage on this forum. The pathetic and dis heartening thing is that these so called moderators act like that can not do anything to control you and that a lie. Why they do allow you to contribute nothing but garbage to this site is a big wonder that they should ask themselves.
this thread is funny.....
truth, NOW i get it. rusty wasn't even stalking ya. you started talking shit about him and now stalking HIM. maybe it's you that needs to get a life. your feelings were hurt so you had to post a separate post about him? what about the shit you said about him? maybe that deserves a separate post too eh?
as far as he having two accounts. i'll believe it when i see it. there are a bunch of idiots running around accusing people of having multiple accounts. this could just be a joke on you and others. if it IS a joke, you should be feeling very silly for posting a separate thread about someone having multiple accounts.
I don't think this is some kind of scam?!?
I would just be honoured to have a small conversation with a guy like
http://bestblackhatforum.com/User-Th3-D4rkl0rd who has such a precious things in his hands, and not trying to share it to every one who doesnt have the clue of the power it has.
And i see Batman calling him an idiot! Well,, please be at least respectful bro. Neither i was going to share it to every one who asks PLEASE, its logic, but at least be respectful that he even had that conversation with you! :D
As per the thread, everybody tries to do business, if you are not interested in his CPA site, than move on and go to the other alternatives where you can find better.! I havent seen somewhere in here that BATMAN is trying to kick your ass if you dont join his network. You have a forum and an internet full of choices, stop insulting each other for the way he/she does business!
Regards and respect 4 all
(06-02-2015 03:06 PM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]this thread is funny.....
truth, NOW i get it. rusty wasn't even stalking ya. you started talking shit about him and now stalking HIM. maybe it's you that needs to get a life. your feelings were hurt so you had to post a separate post about him? what about the shit you said about him? maybe that deserves a separate post too eh?
as far as he having two accounts. i'll believe it when i see it. there are a bunch of idiots running around accusing people of having multiple accounts. this could just be a joke on you and others. if it IS a joke, you should be feeling very silly for posting a separate thread about someone having multiple accounts.
Thank CK.
Just ignore that low life Truth Hurts aka ASSS Hurts. He is just another LOSER here
This whole thread is stupid..... it is like a bunch of women or he said she said crap..... all needs to grow up and get a life....
Such big words from a no rep no useful share guy like you who is just walking around and getting angry and insult the guys who act and are doers.
Try to be respectful, make some action and cut this useless threads. Be positive and go make some money. Be hungry god d*** it.
Make some money for yourself