Your BigDaddy has you covered!
I thought this looked familiar, so I did a little search on my Hard Drive and found it for you guys.
BUT - I only had the BackUpBuddy version of this product, so I hope it will be good enough for you.
Here's the link:
Here are the instructions I have. This should work for you:
This is the BackupBuddy ready version of your theme which is
intended for NEW installations only.
You should NOT have Wordpress installed before attempting to install this theme,
this process will install Wordpress for you.
1) In your CPanel (or other control panel), first create a new MySQL database
2) Create a new user for your database and assign it to the
database. Don't forget to give this user "All Privledges".
Copy the database name, username, and password for this because you will
need it for a future step.
3) Upload (via FTP or via Filemanager in Cpanel) the contents of
the UPLOAD folder. Do not upload the folder it's self, do not
unzip the .zip file inside. You want the installbuddy.php file and
the .zip file to be in the directory where you want Wordpress
installed. If you are installing on a top level domain
(i.e. - domain.com) then you will want these to live in the public_html
directory on your server.
4) Once you have uploaded those two files, call installbuddy.php
from your browser. If you are installing on a top level domain you
can access that file at
The installbuddy password is: offline2012
5) Simply follow the steps in importbuddy.php. You will be asked
for the database information for the database you created in steps
1 and 2. Once you are finished, allow installbuddy to delete the zip
files for security (the final step in the wizard).
NOTE: if you get a warning message that Step 4 can't create an
.htaccess file, that is OK - there isn't one in the package so
nothing is wrong
6) Log in to your new site at
The default username is: admin
The default password is: offline2012
IMPORTANT: The 1st thing you will want to do after installing is
change the email and password in Wordpress to reflect your email
and your own unique password.
That's it!