Wow....thanks wrath.. all for free without spending a dime. That's priceless. Put your wallet down and download. :-) Thanks for the tip.
(05-08-2015 03:31 AM)wrath Wrote: [ -> ]Is this it? Check it out:
Need a license mate only 10 free headlines for free
Quote:Simple to install and always available it generates 10 instant free headlines. 300 Premium headlines for licensed users and over 1000 proven headlines for PRO users.
Thank you Man,
Here is the chrome light version :
PHP Code:
(05-08-2015 01:17 AM)astaroth Wrote: [ -> ]Amen...
(05-07-2015 08:07 PM)Cyborg965210 Wrote: [ -> ]If you plug your keyword in any search engine, it will show you as many headlines as you want. In addition to that, it will print for you the headlines that are actually ranking for your keyword. What's more? it allows you as well to check the articles that are actually ranking for your top keywords. Pretty amazing is it? yeah, i know!
Sarcastically speaking: "For a very limited time, you can use this amazing tool "" for free. Jump in and get started today! ;P - If you take action now, you will also be able to use other amazing engines like,, and many others. The ideas for headlines will surely be limitless!"
Please try to think twice of the product that you are purchasing (or requesting) before you do so. 80% of the products up there are completely useless.
Hope that helps!
Here's the bonuses my friends:
Anyone got this, looks good
Download the Plugin and to activate use this code: COPY55
Rep if worked :)