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Can anyone share this? :-)

yes I'll bump this His stuff is good
bump bump bump
Let's do a GB for this. ;)
(04-30-2015 03:30 PM)kulwantnagi Wrote: [ -> ]Let's do a GB for this. ;)

I'm in.
Hey guys,
Diggy here (co-creator of VIP Niche Ideas).

I know how the blackhat thing works and it can be a cool and exciting idea to get access to products for a fraction of the price (or free), but besides the fact that it's stealing, the whole mentality of not paying for a product is why you'll most likely never be successful online.

If you don't pay for something, you don't respect it, you don't use it, you don't profit from it. Pay for something with your hard earned dollars and you will put it to use (especially if you're struggling financially) and you're going to benefit from it.

Scarcity and poverty mindsets result in scarcity and poverty results.

If you want to "make it" (even just a couple grand a month to be financially and time free), torrenting and sharing product after product is not going to get you anywhere.

I know a leopard doesn't change his spots and this whole post is more than likely not going to affect any of you or change your mind, but trust me, this affects you way more than it affects me. In your own best interest, if you want to be successful online, do it right, honestly and legitimately.

And if you are struggling with money so much that you can't come up with $97 to invest in yourself because you need it just to put food on your table, let me know and I will loan you the money so you can buy the product.

Have an awesome day, your success depends on the choices you make.
in also - OR Please share and make our day - This guy is a genius in the making...
Count me in.
would love to see this
bump bump ...
Pages: 1 2
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