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Full Version: [GET][Purchased]Mega Main Menu - WordPress Menu Plugin v2.0.7
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[Image: omi4u8Q.png]

Version Updates
Quote:2.0.7 (2015.04.25) – require setting only those options that did not exist previously.
- Fixed problem with "Mobile Mode" (responsiveness).
- Fixed problem with "add_query_arg" and "remove_query_arg" functions.

2.0.6 (2015.03.14) – require setting only those options that did not exist previously.
- Added ability to show menu in the website content using [shortcode].
- Added option to select "Trigger" for dropdowns (Click, Hover).
- Added option "Push Content Down" when the dropdown is visible.
- Improved BuddyPress compatibility (added link to the sign up page).


Great share mate, thanks. +5 REP

thanks much +3 rep
i dont use this plugin just wanna comment and give my max repp for judson
just want to say

thank you and rep add
please update to latest 2.0.9
plz update
Just created a mirror if you like add reps

Magic Button :
Can you update with 2.0.9?
2.0.9 (2015.06.26) – require setting only those options that did not exist previously.
Quote:- Fixed problem with "Tabs" type of dropdown.
- Fixed few PHP bugs that related to the skin.php.
- Fixed problem with detection of custom post types.
- Fixed few small CSS bugs.
- Updated "PrettyPhoto" sources.

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