Thanks! Will check this out.
Interesting share - thanks op
Turns out he does have a site or another "book" with more solid info on moving forward, also has a mentor program on the site.
Thanks for sharing. Reps added.
It's bullshit and not even remotely entertaining take back your rep.
The most basic of basic of basic of basic of basic crap. A slightly above average PLR. Zero educational value.
Sales pitch for a $12,000 business buying course.
(04-26-2015 09:33 PM)Mastermamo Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. Reps given. Should be interesting or bullshit. At least I hope its entertaining or have some educational value.
It's a primer to get you interested in his $1,000 complete course on doing Leveraged Buyouts.
Carl Allen is the real deal and his course is a beast. It's like a college level course on buying businesses by leveraging their assets to complete the deal. No fluff. Literally teaches you where to find target acquisitions, how to make contact, what to say, how to analyze balance sheets and profit and loss reports line by line, how to structure and word offers, how to get lawyers and accountants to work on contingency, close deals, and much, much, more.
This primer gives you a brief overview and introduction, but isn't really a workable blueprint.
The full course is here:
Seems the links are down, sorry for the confusion. I'd upload it myself but I'm house sitting for my mother in law and all those gigs of uploading would take approx 2,472 years, even if I had that external with me.