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Full Version: [GET] Spelt: Meals, Cakes, Cookies and Breads from the Good Grain
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Spelt has ancient beginnings and potentially significant health benefits. Once known as the main ingredient in small, dense and dull-tasting loaves and some only slightly more tasty crackers, spelt has come a long way. Now available at Whole Foods and other specialty and gourmet markets, foodies and health enthusiasts are turning onto the benefits of spelt and calling it a “supergrain.”

Spelt is truly a wholegrain, in contrast to so many of the pretenders on the shelves these days. Unlike wheat, where the nutritional benefits of bran and germ are largely removed during milling, the good stuff in spelt is found in the inner kernel of the grain, and so survives the milling process unscathed.

Everyday bloating can make you feel self-conscious and your clothes tight and uncomfortable. Once you’ve ruled out a food intolerance/allergy or serious gastrointestinal conditions as the cause, making the choice of spelt rather than wheat can help you banish the bloat forever. It seems that sensitive digestive systems find spelt is more easily tolerated than those varieties of modern wheat.

re-up request

Spelt is a excellent alkaline grain, thank you SS. Also Kamut and Teff too!
Reps SS for this "super grain" share!
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