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Sorry savaskampas my fault
You know saying only 'bad words'? You should keep calm friend
Admin panel dont work :( after i log in admin account i don't see menu - nothing :O
This thread is soooo gooddd :D
(04-21-2015 06:31 AM)hacker007 Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry savaskampas my fault

Budd leave it all..... concentrate to null it properly.

All is Well.

Keep your good work (001101010011010)
(04-21-2015 04:54 AM)savaskampas Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-21-2015 04:19 AM)hacker007 Wrote: [ -> ]Savaskampas :D learn English language please ;) he don't saying that he have 10 years. He saying that he stared when he was 10. That's different :D NOT HE COULD HAVE 25 OR 30 OR I DONT KNOW

And I think that "Shortify" account isn't really his boys :D

When you look at comments on CodeCanyon and what writes Shortify profile here. There are differents between them english ;)

are you M**** you go learn to read in english he saying that now he student in school omg

(04-21-2015 04:29 AM)sohomnet Wrote: [ -> ]Guys....please....... leave about his English.
We are here for 010101100011

im not american ore uk M**** so not cere fore that english noob so shut up about that english I DOT,N cere noobs

(04-21-2015 04:29 AM)sohomnet Wrote: [ -> ]Guys....please....... leave about his English.
We are here for 010101100011

im not american ore uk M**** so not cere fore that english noob so shut up about that english I DOT,N cere noobs

eikit visi, į arklio subinę visi%2C į arklio subinę noobs

BiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrin Please use a word other than noob/noobs every once in a while 'kay? Expand your vocabulary a bit Wink
Ou maj, wat an itresting thred.
pliz du nat mejk fan of my inglishness
[Image: popcorn_jon_stewart.gif]
Quote:gou houm leachr maiby reeded rules noob
stai in vip noob or enny luck?

best thread ever i think :D
This thread should be moved to the section :P Since there in not much in terms of a solution being posted but there are a hell of a lot of laughs BiggrinCool

Edit: <Sarcasm> I think savaskampus should be made moderator of that section as well </Sarcasm> because he is probably the biggest clown here
[Image: 6BLH4pB.jpg]
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